<p>In this day and age, a lot of people tend to forget that they have the option to plan ahead for their funerals. This option is not only ideal for those close to the end of their life, but for anyone who wants to lessen the load placed upon their loved ones after they pass. Planning a funeral can be difficult for all family members involved. It is something we often tend to place into the back of our minds because the idea of death can be quite intimidating. At Geils Funeral Home, we are here to answer all of your questions and help you on this difficult journey. Our <a class="fun-link" href="/start-plans/advanced-planning" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">advanced planning</a>&nbsp;section offers a quick and easy form that can be filled out online and sent to our planning specialist. We are here to help with the planning and honor of your final wishes, as well as the final wishes of your loved ones. For any other questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out and<a class="fun-link" href="/contact/contact-us" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> contact us</a>.&nbsp;</p>